Arts, Culture, Society, and Health Summer School, 2024 Edition

The Arts, Culture, Society, and Health Summer School, organized by Université de Montréal and Professor Olivier Beauchet, head of the Arts and Health Axis, was held from August 26 to 30, 2024, at the Centre de recherche de l’Institut de gériatrie de l’Université de Montréal (CRIUGM).

Entitled “À la rencontre du Sensible”, this third edition was a resounding success, both in-person and virtually.

The week was highlighted by presentations and workshops exploring the interactions between the arts and the sensible, and their impact on our daily lives through the lenses of culture, society, and health.

On Thursday, August 29th, a conference-debate on the theme “Nature, culture, and spirituality: reflections on an ancestral link” attracted nearly 90 people to the McCord-Stewart Museum.