CALL FOR PAPERS – Special Issue

Culture and Local Governance / Culture et Gouvernance locale, in partnership with the CREAT Chair, is preparing a special issue on the theme of the “Creative Economy, Well-Being, and Territory”. This special issue aims to explore the connections between these three concepts. We invite authors to submit their articles by March 15, 2025.

|Activities |Member|Call for Papers
call for paper

CREAT co-researcher Aude Porcedda invites the CREAT Chair community to respond to a call for paper for a thematic issue of “Culture & Musées” (N°47). ” MUSEUMS AND CULTURE IN TRANSITION” Edited by Aude Porcedda and Anne Gagnebien Deadline for submission | January 31, 2025

|Activities |Member|Call for Papers
Interdisciplinary and interprofessional conference La société face aux vulnérabilités: réflexions et perspectives pour les disciplines de conception

On July 1st and 2nd, 2025, the interdisciplinary and interprofessional conference La société face aux vulnérabilités : réflexions et perspectives pour les disciplines de conception will be held at the Université de Nîmes in France. This initiative has been brought to our attention by members of the Chair, and we invite those interested in proposing […]

Design Sciences | (SDD 20)

The doctorate in design: issues and developments“Sciences du Design” is preparing a special issue to mark its tenth (10th) anniversary. The issue will focus on contemporary issues in design research training. It will be co-edited by Philippe Gauthier, Co-researcher, and Sébastien Proulx, Associate of the CREAT Chair. The call for papers for this special issue is […]

|Activities |Member|Call for Papers
XVIIth conference de L’AGeCSO

The call for papers for the next edition of the AGeCSO conference has been announced. This year’s theme is Communities and Learning Spaces. It will explore the impact of communities and learning environments in the creation, dissemination and implementation of knowledge. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2024. For more information, click here. 

|Activities |Member|Call for Papers

The concept of Creative Industries was introduced over 25 years ago by British policymakers. Even today, they continue to arouse great interest in academic research and policy. The literature highlights successes and possibilities in this field, but also disillusionment, particularly regarding inequality, gentrification and precariousness. De Gruyter has launched a call for chapters on the […]