In November 2024, the pilot project “L’écho des plantes : Opéra pour une Terre en fleurs” was launched, combining art, ecology, and technology. This interdisciplinary project brought together students from Robert Gravel High School in Montreal, artists from the Opéra de Montréal, scientists and mediators from the Biodôme, as well as the team from the […]
|Arts and Health, Culture in the regions, Digital Creativity, Discoverability|Prize and recognitions
HOMAGE AWARD presented to Michel Vallée
The Prix hommage of the CREAT Chair, in recognition of exceptional contribution to the cultural milieu, was awarded to Michel Vallée, President and CEO of Culture pour Tous! The evaluation committee, made up of three (3) professionals from the arts and culture community, underlined, among other things, the recipient’s considerable contribution, which was “convincingly demonstrated, […]