From August 26 to 30, 2024, the Summer School on the Quebec music ecosystem and cultural discoverability was held, organized by Romuald Jamet (INRS) and Guillaume Blum (Université Laval), as part of the Chaire de recherche en économie créative et mieux-être (CREAT) and the Chaire de recherche du Québec sur l’intelligence artificielle et le numérique francophones (IANF). The event was also supported by the Chaire Fernand-Dumont sur la culture, the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec (MCC) and SSHRC.
The week was rich in exchanges between researchers, artists, and practitioners, featuring in-depth reflections on musical dynamics in the digital age. Concerts by emerging artists rounded off these exchanges, confirming the potential and diversity of the Quebec music scene, with fine performances by Slim Tony, Érika Hagen, Érika Zarya, Melvin and Socalled.