CALL FOR PAPERS – Special Issue

Culture and Local Governance / Culture et Gouvernance locale, in partnership with the CREAT Chair, is preparing a special issue on the theme of the “Creative Economy, Well-Being, and Territory”. This special issue aims to explore the connections between these three concepts. We invite authors to submit their articles by March 15, 2025.

series of lunchtime conferences

Starting in January 2025, CREAT Research Chair will be holding a series of videoconference lunchtime lectures highlighting a variety of themes linked to its four (4) research axis. These lunchtime conferences (in French only) aim to foster dialogue and knowledge-sharing within the community. Registration is already open; click the button above to secure your spot. […]

Aspasia Karalis receives the Dean’s Recognition Award from the Université de Montréal Faculty of Medicine

We are delighted to announce that Dr. Aspasia Karalis, a member of CREAT’s Arts and Health Axis, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, and Director of the Medical Genetics and Genomics Residency Program at Université de Montréal, has received the Prix de reconnaissance du doyen de la Faculté de médecine 2024. This distinction […]

|Activities |Member|Call for Papers
call for paper

CREAT co-researcher Aude Porcedda invites the CREAT Chair community to respond to a call for paper for a thematic issue of “Culture & Musées” (N°47). ” MUSEUMS AND CULTURE IN TRANSITION” Edited by Aude Porcedda and Anne Gagnebien Deadline for submission | January 31, 2025

|Activities |AXE 1Culture in the regions
a grant for a collaborative research project

Header Julie Bérubé has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) for the project “L’économie sociale au service des arts: le center de service du Théâtre Aux Écuries”. The project is being carried out in collaboration with Julie Rijpens of UQAM, who is acting as co-researcher. […]

DIGITAL CREATIVITY AXIS Participates in the Triennale UdeM de la recherche-création

From March 24 to April 1, 2025, the Université de Montréal (UdeM) Triennale UdeM de la recherche-création will highlight the theme of independent video games focusing on gender, intimacy, and sexuality. The project is led by Caroline Bem, professor in the Department of World Literatures and Languages at UdeM and co-researcher at CREAT. Here is […]

Laureline CHIAPELLO co-directs a new collection at PUQ360

The very first book in the “Pratiques des jeux vidéo” series, edited by Jocelyn Benoit, Laureline Chiapello, Simon Dor and Gabrielle Trépanier-Jobin, is now available thanks to PUQ360. “Les jeux vidéo pour enfants,” written by the CREAT co-researcher Maude Bonenfant, Simon Delorme, Alexandra Dumont and Cédric Duchaineau, offers an in-depth analysis of the videogame landscape […]

L’Écho des plantes : An Ecological and Collaborative Opera

In November 2024, the pilot project “L’écho des plantes : Opéra pour une Terre en fleurs” was launched, combining art, ecology, and technology. This interdisciplinary project brought together students from Robert Gravel High School in Montreal, artists from the Opéra de Montréal, scientists and mediators from the Biodôme, as well as the team from the […]

Grant award

Professor Olivier Beauchet has been awarded a $25,000 grant from the Vice-rectorat à la planification et à la communication stratégiques of Université de Montréal (VRPCS) for the project « Réchauffement climatique : l’art inuit au service de la transmission des savoirs ». This funding is part of the support program for projects contributing to achieving the objectives […]

HOMAGE AWARD presented to Michel Vallée

The Prix hommage of the CREAT Chair, in recognition of exceptional contribution to the cultural milieu, was awarded to Michel Vallée, President and CEO of Culture pour Tous! The evaluation committee, made up of three (3) professionals from the arts and culture community, underlined, among other things, the recipient’s considerable contribution, which was “convincingly demonstrated, […]

conference webcast Registration

Creative Economy, Well-Being and Territory The CREAT Research Chair team is pleased to invite you to its Conference Creative Economy, Well-Being and Territory, to be held on November 4-6, 2024, at the Université du Québec en Outaouais in Gatineau. The event will feature eight (8) thematic sessions on November 4 and 5, bringing together researchers […]

|Activities |Member|Call for Papers
Interdisciplinary and interprofessional conference La société face aux vulnérabilités: réflexions et perspectives pour les disciplines de conception

On July 1st and 2nd, 2025, the interdisciplinary and interprofessional conference La société face aux vulnérabilités : réflexions et perspectives pour les disciplines de conception will be held at the Université de Nîmes in France. This initiative has been brought to our attention by members of the Chair, and we invite those interested in proposing […]

CREAT Conference, November, 4, 5 & 6. 2024

Creative Economy, Well-being and Territory For several years now, society has been in a state of flux, and organizational methods are constantly evolving. The creative economy offers an opportunity to rethink the way we work, by rethinking the way we relate to each other and contributing to the well-being of society as a whole. By […]

EDIA directory of the CREAT Chair

The CREAT team has created a directory of videos, guides, podcasts, training courses, websites, books and conferences produced or offered by the Chair’s managing institutions, the FRQ, the SSHRC and the Universités du Québec (UQ) network. The directory is divided into five (5) sections: inclusive communication, inclusive recruitment and management, inclusive work and study environments, […]

|Activities |AXE 4Discoverability|Workshops
EMQ Summer School on Cultural Discoverability

From August 26 to 30, 2024, the Summer School on the Quebec music ecosystem and cultural discoverability was held, organized by Romuald Jamet (INRS) and Guillaume Blum (Université Laval), as part of the Chaire de recherche en économie créative et mieux-être (CREAT) and the Chaire de recherche du Québec sur l’intelligence artificielle et le numérique […]

Publication of the Cahier de recherche: Synthèse des Journées d’étude lexicales

At the end of its first year, CREAT’s Culture in Region Axis held its Journées d’étude lexicales on April 15 and 16, 2024, at the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO). The event brought together members of the academic and practical communities, who were invited to discuss issues specific to their regions and cultures. The […]

Arts, Culture, Society, and Health Summer School, 2024 Edition

The Arts, Culture, Society, and Health Summer School, organized by Université de Montréal and Professor Olivier Beauchet, head of the Arts and Health Axis, was held from August 26 to 30, 2024, at the Centre de recherche de l’Institut de gériatrie de l’Université de Montréal (CRIUGM). Entitled “À la rencontre du Sensible”, this third edition […]

Submission of a joint brief

As part of the public consultation « encadrement législatif sur la découvrabilité́ des contenus culturels francophones » organized by the French Ministry of Culture and Communications, Axis 4 of the CREAT Chair submitted a joint brief with the Unesco Chair in Communication and Technologies for Development and the Quebec Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence and […]

Publication by Two CREAT Members

Étienne Capron and Raphaël Suire, both members of the CREAT Chair, have co-authored an article published in M@n@gement. The article, entitled “From One Place to Another – Place Attendance as Resources for Innovators”, explores the preferential movements of video-mapping artists in Montreal, highlighting the role of places, events, and social networks in innovation. Étienne Capron […]

EASST-4S Conference 2024 – Amsterdam

Professor Laureline Chiapello presented her video game CLTRS, focusing on female pleasure, and won an award in the “Making & Doing” category at the EASST-4S conference. This STS (science and technology studies) Conference, held in Amsterdam in July 2024, is dedicated to the study of the social, cultural, and political aspects of science, technology, and […]

Laureline Chiapello at CIFFEL and CGSA Conferences in Montreal

Laureline Chiapello (NAD-UQAC) presented her work at two conferences in Montreal. At the Canadian Game Studies Association Conference, she presented “The Contribution of Pragmatist Philosophy to the Future of Game Studies”. Her presentation explored how pragmatist philosophy can enhance the field of video game studies. At the CIFEL Colloque interuniversitaire francophone d’études ludiques, she co-presented […]

Art game 2024 symposium and exhibition

ART GAME 2024 SYMPOSIUMOrganized in collaboration with Montpellier’s Paul Valéry University, the symposium focused on art games, a form of video game expression that emphasizes artistic, narrative, or conceptual exploration beyond the conventions of traditional entertainment. Art games often aim to provoke reflection on social, political, or philosophical themes through interactive mechanics and unconventional aesthetics. […]

CREAT Game Jam 2024

The Digital Creativity Axis of the CREAT Chair, headed by Laureline Chiapello, organized a game jam from May 31 to June 4, 2024. A game jam is an event where video game creators come together to develop games within a limited time, typically around a specific theme. This 72-hour event was targeted at students and […]

Welcoming doctoral student Rafaela Goncalves Freitas

Rafaela’s research focuses on the creative economy in Brazil. She is interested in the management of cultural projects in the creative industries, the management of creativity in cultural projects and the relationship between culture and creativity at the heart of this process. Rafaela is undertaking a research internship with Axis Culture in the regions team until […]

Lexical Study Days

The Culture in regions Axis of the CREAT Chair held its Lexical Study Days on April 15 and 16, 2024 at the Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO). These two days brought together experts in regional culture from both practical and academic backgrounds. These days of reflection and exchange were made up of participative workshops, […]

|Activities |AXE 4Discoverability
Public half-day seminar

Understanding social transformations in the era of algorithmic capitalism and generative AI Guillaume Blum, head of the Discoverability Axis of the CREAT research Chair, co-organized a half-day public study session on social transformations in the era of algorithmic capitalism and generative AI on April 10, 2024. * Under Dan Furukawa Marques and Guillaume Blum, this […]

Design Sciences | (SDD 20)

The doctorate in design: issues and developments“Sciences du Design” is preparing a special issue to mark its tenth (10th) anniversary. The issue will focus on contemporary issues in design research training. It will be co-edited by Philippe Gauthier, Co-researcher, and Sébastien Proulx, Associate of the CREAT Chair. The call for papers for this special issue is […]

|Activities |Member|Call for Papers
XVIIth conference de L’AGeCSO

The call for papers for the next edition of the AGeCSO conference has been announced. This year’s theme is Communities and Learning Spaces. It will explore the impact of communities and learning environments in the creation, dissemination and implementation of knowledge. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 2024. For more information, click here. 

|Activities |AXE 2Arts and Health
Arts, Culture, Society and Health Summer School – 2024 Edition

Following the success of the first two editions, the Université de Montréal (UdeM) and the AgeTeQ laboratory at the Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Universitaire de Gériatrie de Montréal are proud to present, with the support of Axis 2. Arts and Health, the third edition of the Arts, Culture, Society and Health Summer School. Continuing in the footsteps of […]

Conference presenting the results of the research project “Co-development and deployment of a cycle of museum visits to combat social isolation among Montreal seniors”

On February 6, 2024, the scientific results of the research project “Co-développement et déploiement d’un cycle de visites muséales pour lutter contre l’isolement social des personnes aînées montréalaises” were presented by Prof. Olivier Beauchet, header of Axis Arts and Health of the CREAT Chair.  The half-day conference brought together a large number of people keen to learn […]

|Activities |AXE 3Digital Creativity
The CREAT Chair in Montpellier

Laureline Chiapello, head of Axis 3. Digital Creativity, is enjoying a rich research stay at the Université Paul-Valéry-Montpellier in France, where she has present her pragmatist approach to game design. On the agenda: meetings with students, exchanges on research-creation projects, discussions on the notion of ArtGame and the presentation of the first images of her game […]

Call for contributions to the collective work “La culture en région : des exemples de réussites et des défis à relever ”

Axis Culture en région has launch a call for contributions for a collective work that aims to present real, concrete cases of project organization and/or inter-organizational coordination on the theme of culture in the regions in a French-speaking context. The book, provisionally entitled “La culture en région: des exemples de réussites et des défis à relever”, […]

|Activities |Member|Call for Papers

The concept of Creative Industries was introduced over 25 years ago by British policymakers. Even today, they continue to arouse great interest in academic research and policy. The literature highlights successes and possibilities in this field, but also disillusionment, particularly regarding inequality, gentrification and precariousness. De Gruyter has launched a call for chapters on the […]

|Activities |Member|Symposiums

The “Acquérir différemment” international colloquium is jointly produced by the National Gallery of Canada and the Université du Québec en Outaouais as part of the “Des nouveaux usages des collections dans les musées d’art” partnership of the Groupe de recherche et de réflexion CIÉCO. To consult the symposium program, click here. Bimodal Symposium dates Thursday, […]

|Activities |AXE 4Discoverability
Guillaume Blum, head of Discoverability Axis, takes part in the 3rd edition of the Rendez-vous France-Québec on the discoverability of French-language cultural content.

Guillaume Blum, head of the Discoverability Axis, took part in a panel discussion as part of the 3rd edition of Rendez-vous France-Québec on the discoverability of French-language cultural content. « Découvrabilité des contenus culturels : défis et possibilités pour la francophonie », was organized by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications as part of MTL Connect […]

65 years Bang Event

The “Croître autrement” study day was a first opportunity for some members of CREAT’s Culture in the regions Axis to hear first-hand accounts from the architects and workers behind the major efforts to pool support for infrastructure for artists in the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean area. It was also an opportunity to hear the viewpoints of organizations from […]

Summer School 2023 – Arts, culture and health

You can now consult the report on the summer school’s Arts, culture and health: what relationships? What are the benefits? Initiated and organized by the AgeTeQ laboratory and the Université de Montréal, this second edition was part of the training activities of the research chair CREAT. The Arts and Health Axis, headed by Dr. Beauchet […]

Summer school in creativity management

The Mosaic-HEC Montréal team, in collaboration with the University of Barcelona, presented the 15th edition of the Montréal-Barcelona Summer School from June 21 to July 8, 2023. The Summer School set an international benchmark in the fields of management, creativity and innovation. Two Chairholders took part: Guillaume Blum, holder of the Discoverability Axis, and Laureline […]

90th ACFAS Congress: Mapping, mediating and promoting creative activity in Quebec for the well-being of citizens

The CREAT Chair presented a symposium on May 11 and 12, 2023, as part of the 90th edition of ACFAS. Cartographier, médier et favoriser l’activité créative au Québec pour le mieux-être citoyen was part of the project to create a brand new FRQSC research chair on the theme of the creative economy and well-being. The […]