CULTURE in the regions

Headed by
Julie BÉRUBÉ (Ph.D.)
> UQO Profil > Website

> Julie Bérubé holds a doctorate in administration, specializing in management, from Hautes études commerciales (HEC) Montréal.

In addition to her position as professor in the Department of Administrative Sciences, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in management and entrepreneurship, she is also responsible for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at UQO.

Julie Bérubé’s research focuses mainly on the creative cultural industries, where she studies the tensions between individuals’ identities, the effects of the pandemic, and issues of equity, diversity and inclusion.


For this axis, the research in the creative economy recognizes the importance of cultural and geographic diversity in economic and social development. It explores the specific dynamics of creative industries in regions, highlighting local resources, cultural traditions and community initiatives. The axis focusses on the creative spirit of individuals who often have to deal with more limited resources. It also aims to strengthen regional cultural ecosystems, foster social inclusion and promote local talent at provincial, national and international levels.




> FRQSC (Fonds de recherche du Québec – société et culture)

Attirer et retenir les talents en région pour favoriser l’entrepreneuriat innovant au Québec

Role : Principal researcher
Value : $380,627.
Duration : 2023-2024 to 2025-2026

Chaire de recherche en économie créative et mieux-être (CREAT)

Role: Head of Culture in the regions Axis.
Value: $4,000,000 ($1,000,000/axis).
Duration: 2022-2023 à 2027-2028 (5 years).

Chaire de recherche France-Québec sur les enjeux contemporains de la liberté d’expression.

Role : Co-researcher for Création et censure Axis (Axis H: Mathilde Barraband, UQTR). Value: $2,000,000 ($500,000/axe). Duration: 2022-2023 to 2027-2028 (5 years).


Programme de subvention institutionnelle – Journées d’étude lexicale: la culture en région

Role : Principal researcher
Value : $6 972
Duration : 2024 (1 year)

Programme de subvention institutionnelle – Équité, diversité et inclusion dans le secteur culturel: comment attirer des publics diversifiés? 

Role : Principal researcher
Value : $7 000
Duration : 2023 (1 year)

Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, Soutien aux initiatives avec les collectivités et les entreprises

Entreprises d’économie sociale: des nouvelles alliances recherche-pratique pour soutenir l’accompagnement à l’essor et l’innovation

Role: Principal researcher
Value: $50 006
Duration: 2023-2024 (1 year)

> SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council)

L’économie sociale au service des arts : le centre de service du Théâtre Aux Écuries

Partnerhip Engage Grants
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $24 997
Duration : 2025-2026

Relations entre les artistes issu·es de la diversité et les publics: une innovation sociale favorisant l’EDI

INSIGHT Development Grants
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $89 197
Duration : 2024-2026

Économie créative, mieux-être et territoire

Role : Principal researcher
Value : $24 972
Duration : 2024-2025

Accompagnement des entrepreneurs culturels sur la Côte-Nord du Québec : quelles ressources et quelles actions sont pertinentes

Partnerhip Engage Grants
Role : Co-researcher (Principal researcher Luc Foleu, UQAR)
Value : $24 971
Duration : 2024-2025

Rendre compte des impacts de la culture: les artistes des communautés francophones minoritaires et le paysage changeant de la reddition de compte dans le secteur culturel

Partnerhip Engage Grants
Role : Co-researcher
(Principal researcher Jonathan Paquette, UQO)
Value : $112 018
Duration : 2022-2025


Bérubé, J. (2024). I’m not an Entrepreneur, I’m an Artist!. Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Montréal, Québec, Canada.Bérubé, J., Gauthier, J.-B. et Doris, J. (2023). Capitalism as a Dominant Force in the Cultural Sector. 22nd International Conference on Cultural Economics, Bloomington, Indiana (USA).

Bérubé, J., Gauthier, J.-B. et Doris, J. (2023). Capitalism as a Dominant Force in the Cultural Sector. 22nd International Conference on Cultural Economics, Bloomington, Indiana (USA).

CNA (Non-refereed communication)
Bérubé, J. (2023, October 3). What Would Redistribution Mean for Non-Urban Artists and Organizations? Canadian Public Arts Funders Annual Meeting, Saskatoon.

COC (Contribution to a collective work)
Bérubé, J, et Dioh, M.-L. (2024). ADEI in the Cultural Sector: Theories, Concepts and Real Case Studies. Dans J. Bérubé, M.-L. Dioh et A. C. Cuyler (dir.), Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector : Initiatives and Lessons Learned from Real-life Cases (p.1-9). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Doris, J., Bérubé, J. et Martínez Coronel, A. A. (2024). Cultural Organizations on the Leading Edge of Accessibility Management: The Case of the Teatro Villa Mayor of Bogota. Dans J. Bérubé, M.-L. Dioh et A. C. Cuyler (dir.), Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector, Initiatives and Lessons Learned from Real-life Cases (p. 13-29). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Dioh, M.-L. et Bérubé, J. (2024). Intercultural Mediation: A Necessity for the Identity of and Cultural Issues Facing Contemporary Quebec Society. Dans V. Tavares et M. J. Maciel Jorge (dir.), Reconstructions of Canadian Identity: Towards Diversity and Inclusion (p. 333-343). University of Manitoba Press.

COF (Refereed communication)
Bérubé, J., Dioh, M.-L, et Cuyler, A. (2024). Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector: Initiatives and Lessons Learned from Real-life Cases. Emerald Publishing Limited.

LIV (Book)
Bérubé, J., Dioh, M.-L, et Cuyler, A. (2024). Accessibility, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector: Initiatives and Lessons Learned from Real-life Cases. Emerald Publishing Limited.

RAC (Peer-reviewed journal)
Bérubé, J., Noël, M. X., Tella, A. D. et Bouchard, N. (2024). PME et COVID-19: l’innovation aux commandes SMEs and COVID-19: Innovation at the Helm. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 1-30.

Bérubé, J. et Gauthier, J.-B. (2024). The practices of artist-entrepreneurs located outside Canada’s creative hubs viewed through the lens of the pragmatic sociology of critique. Canadian Review of Sociology, 61(3), 283-307. 

Bérubé, J., Doris, J. et Pouliot, A. (2024). The role of cultural organisations in matter of equity, diversity and inclusion. Cultural Trends, 1-16. 

Bérubé, J. et Gauthier, J.-B. (2023). Managing projects in creative industries: a compromise between artistic and project management values. Creative Industries Journal16(1), 76-95.

Bérubé, J. (2023). Pandemic and the Cultural Industries in a Regional Context. Revista Finanzas Y Política Económica15(2), 493-516.

RAP (Research report)
Chaire de recherche en économie créative et mieux-être (CREAT), axe Culture en région. (2024). Cahier de recherche : Synthèse des Journées d’étude lexicales. Chaire de recherche en économie et mieux-être (CREAT), axe Culture en région. Cahier de recherche : synthèse des journées d’études lexicales

Bérubé, J. (2023). Équité, diversité et inclusion dans les milieux culturels: quel est le rôle des organismes culturels?. Synthèse des résultats de recherche