Areas of research
CULTURE in the regions

Headed byJulie BÉRUBÉ (Ph.D.)
> UQO Profil > Website
> Julie Bérubé holds a doctorate in administration, specializing in management, from Hautes études commerciales (HEC) Montréal.
In addition to her position as professor in the Department of Administrative Sciences, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in management and entrepreneurship, she is also responsible for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at UQO.
Julie Bérubé’s research focuses mainly on the creative cultural industries, where she studies the tensions between individuals’ identities, the effects of the pandemic, and issues of equity, diversity and inclusion.
For this axis, the research in the creative economy recognizes the importance of cultural and geographic diversity in economic and social development. It explores the specific dynamics of creative industries in regions, highlighting local resources, cultural traditions and community initiatives. The axis focusses on the creative spirit of individuals who often have to deal with more limited resources. It also aims to strengthen regional cultural ecosystems, foster social inclusion and promote local talent at provincial, national and international levels.
> FRQSC (Fonds de recherche du Québec – société et culture)
Attirer et retenir les talents en région pour favoriser l’entrepreneuriat innovant au Québec
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $380,627.
Duration : 2023-2024 to 2025-2026
Chaire de recherche en économie créative et mieux-être (CREAT)
Role: Head of Culture in the regions Axis.
Value: $4,000,000 ($1,000,000/axis).
Duration: 2022-2023 à 2027-2028 (5 years).
Chaire de recherche France-Québec sur les enjeux contemporains de la liberté d’expression.
Role : Co-researcher for Création et censure Axis (Axis H: Mathilde Barraband, UQTR). Value: $2,000,000 ($500,000/axe). Duration: 2022-2023 to 2027-2028 (5 years).
Programme de subvention institutionnelle – Journées d’étude lexicale: la culture en région
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $6 972
Duration : 2024 (1 year)
Programme de subvention institutionnelle – Équité, diversité et inclusion dans le secteur culturel: comment attirer des publics diversifiés?
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $7 000
Duration : 2023 (1 year)
Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, Soutien aux initiatives avec les collectivités et les entreprises
Entreprises d’économie sociale: des nouvelles alliances recherche-pratique pour soutenir l’accompagnement à l’essor et l’innovation
Role: Principal researcher
Value: $50 006
Duration: 2023-2024 (1 year)
> SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council)
L’économie sociale au service des arts : le centre de service du Théâtre Aux Écuries
Partnerhip Engage Grants
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $24 997
Duration : 2025-2026
Relations entre les artistes issu·es de la diversité et les publics: une innovation sociale favorisant l’EDI
INSIGHT Development Grants
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $89 197
Duration : 2024-2026
Économie créative, mieux-être et territoire
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $24 972
Duration : 2024-2025
Accompagnement des entrepreneurs culturels sur la Côte-Nord du Québec : quelles ressources et quelles actions sont pertinentes
Partnerhip Engage Grants
Role : Co-researcher (Principal researcher Luc Foleu, UQAR)
Value : $24 971
Duration : 2024-2025
Rendre compte des impacts de la culture: les artistes des communautés francophones minoritaires et le paysage changeant de la reddition de compte dans le secteur culturel
Partnerhip Engage Grants
Role : Co-researcher
(Principal researcher Jonathan Paquette, UQO)
Value : $112 018
Duration : 2022-2025

Headed byOlivier BEAUCHET (M.D., Ph.D.)
> Laboratoire AgeTeq
> Dr. Beauchet obtained his medical degree from the University of St-Étienne (France) in 1999, where he also completed specialties in neurology, internal medicine and geriatrics. He also holds a master’s degree in neuropsychology and a doctorate in human motricity and disability from the Université de St-Etienne (France). Between 2015 and 2020, he was Full Professor of Geriatric Medicine at McGill University and held the Dr. Joseph Kaufmann Chair in Geriatric Medicine (Faculty of Medicine, McGill University).
During this same period, he was also Director of the Centre for Excellence in Longevity at the McGill integrated university health and social services network (RUISSS), and physician and researcher at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research at the Jewish General Hospital. Since September 2020, Dr. Beauchet has been Full Professor at Université de Montréal (Faculty of Medicine – Department of Medicine), a physician at IUGM and laboratory director at CRIUGM.
For this Axis, the creative economy integrates artistic and cultural practices in the health field to improve physical, mental and social well-being. This approach explores various ways of improving individual and community quality of life. It engages in research to better understand how artistic practices influence health. This synergy between health and artists, researchers and communities enables us to design programs tailored to each individual’s needs. By working together, these players can create innovative solutions for promoting health through arts and culture.
The main objective of this axis is to promote, encourage and initiate research, training, and knowledge transfer initiatives to better understand the relationship between the arts, culture and health, and to facilitate deployment of the knowledge acquired in stakeholder circles, in order to find answers to society’s challenges and issues.
Chaire de recherche en économie créative et mieux-être (CREAT)
Chaire de recherche en économie créative et mieux-être.
Role: Head of Arts and Health Axis.
Value: $4,000,000 ($1,000,000/axis).
Duration: 2022-2023 à 2027-2028 (5 years).
Co-développement et déploiements d’un cycle de visites muséales pour lutter contre l’isolement social des personnes aînées montréalaises
Programme Actions concertées
Role: Principal researcher.
Value: $170,000.
Duration: March 2021 to March 2023.
Co-développement d’une expérience immersive et interactive du tableau numérisé « Les Nymphéas » de Claude Monet pour le bien-être personnel et le bien commun sociétal
Partenariat Université de Montréal
Role: Principal researcher.
Value: $107,000.
Duration: 2 years.

Headed byLaureline CHIAPELLO (Ph.d.)
> UQAC Profil > Google Scholar > Website
> Laureline Chiapello is a researcher in video game design, specializing in understanding creative processes. She began her career in video game design with a French company, then emigrated to Montreal, where she obtained a D.E.S.S. in game design, a Master’s degree in design and complexity, and a Ph.D. in game design.
Using an approach derived from pragmatist philosophy, her research aims to better understand creative processes within videogame projects, as well as to improve the teaching of game design.
For this axis, digital creativity involves exploring the possibilities for developing and enriching the creative experience and facilitating the distribution of digital works. In this area, the Chair focuses on the animation and visual effects industries, video games and immersive experiences, to stimulate innovation, encourage artistic creation and foster the emergence of new forms of cultural expression.
The main objective of this axis is to identify crucial issues within the digital creative industries, particularly in the areas of effects (VFX), animation, video games and digital experience (Xn) sectors, in order to foster research, training and development in this sector.
> Digital creativity RECENT ACTIVITIES
Chaire de recherche en économie créative et mieux-être (CREAT)
Role: Head of Digital Creativity Axis.
Value: $4,000,000 ($1,000,000/axis).
Duration: 2022-2023 to 2027-2028 (5 years).
Mais qu’est-ce que le fruit du mûrier? Valoriser et transmettre l’expérience vécue des femmes dans le processus de design de jeu vidéo.
Soutien à la recherche-création pour la relève professorale
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $44 723
Duration : 2022 à 2025
Attirer et retenir les talents en région pour favoriser l’entrepreneuriat innovant au Québec
Role: Collaborator (Principal researcher : Julie Bérubé, UQO)
Value : $380 627
Duration : 2023-2024 à 2025-2026
« En jeu pour la musique » – Jouer et cocréer pour apprendre la musique : retombées et innovations
Soutien aux équipes de recherche
Role: Co-researcher (Principal researcher : Francis Dubé, Université Laval).
Value: $269,612
> crsh
La collaboration interdisciplinaire dans les équipes de développement de jeux vidéo
Role : Principal researcher
Value : $69 454
Duration : 2022 à 2024
Analyse comparée des transformations des activités de création par les technologies d’intelligence artificielle – adoption, usages et stratégies d’innovation
Role : Collaborator (Principal researcher : Laurent Simon, HEC)
Value : $91 000
Duration : 2024 à 2026
Hexagram réseau de recherche-création en arts, cultures et technologies
FRQSC – Regroupement stratégique
Co-researcher since 2023. Hexagram has received an additional $1,827,000 to cover seven years, from 2020 to 2027.

Headed byGuillaume BLUM (Ph.D.)
> Guillaume Blum’s research focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship through design, as well as the use of design in organizational practices (design management, design thinking, new organizational forms, etc.). He is interested in new management practices and their consequences for product and service design, as well as for individuals.
He explores organizational transformations arising from economic and societal change. His three areas of research are:
– Design and innovation
– Digital technologies and social transformation
– Knowledge development dynamics
Discoverability is the characteristic that contributes to finding or accessing on-line content, particularly cultural content. It contributes to ensuring the existence of conditions that enable creation and its dissemination, thus helping to stimulate the creative economy. By analyzing the organizational, economic, social and cultural dynamics linked to discoverability, from different perspectives, the research carried out in this area aims to promote innovation, develop critical thinking, strengthen cultural vitality and enhance meaningful collective practices, particularly in Quebec.
The main objective of this axis is to contribute to understanding the dynamics surrounding discoverability, disseminate knowledge on the subject and propose research-based modes of action. All of this research conducted at the individual, collective and societal levels, concerning culture and, more broadly, “products” from the creative economy and ideas that enhance user well-being, particularly – but not exclusively – on digital platforms.
> Discoverability recent news
Attirer et retenir les talents en région pour favoriser l’entrepreneuriat innovant au Québec
Role: Collaborator (Principal researcher: Julie Bérubé, Université du Québec en Outaouais).
Value: $380,627.
Duration: 2023-2024 to 2025-2026 (3 years).
Noûs – l’intelligence collective au service de la pensée critique pour contrer la désinformation
Programme de recherche sur la désinformation au Québec
Role: Co-researcher (Principal researcher: Alexandre Coutant, Université du Québec à Montréal).
Value: $150,000.
Duration: 2023 to 2024.
Chaire de recherche en économie créative et mieux-être (CREAT)
Role: Head of Discoverability Axis. Value: $4,000,000 ($1,000,000/axis).
Duration: 2022-2023 to 2027-2028 (5 years).
Réseau de recherche en économie sociale et solidaire
Role: Co-researcher (Principal researcher: C.-A. Guillotte (U de Sherbrooke), V. Michaud (UQAM), L. Audebrand (U Laval) and M.- L. Dioh (UQO).
Value: $4,000,000.
Duration: 2023 to 2028. (5 years)
La Musique québécoise : une histoire sociale, politique et technologique (1960’s à nos jours)
FRQSC – Dialogue
Role: Co-principal researcher (Principal researcher: Romuald Jamet, INRS).
Value: $39,611.
Duration: 2021 to 2024. (3 years)
> SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities research Council)
Développement d’une boîte à outils de design fiction dans le secteur de la communication scientifique
Engagement partenarial with Impakt Scientifik.
Role: Principal researcher.
Value: $39,000.
Duration: 2022-2024. (3 years)
L’écosystème musical québécois comme cycle de désintermédiation au prisme du streaming et de la crise sanitaire COVID-19. Une approche par la sociologie et le design
Développement Savoir.
Role: Principal co-researcher (Principal researcher: Romuald Jamet, INRS).
Value: $72,544.
Duration: 2021 to 2024. (3 years)
Analyse et synthèse des résultats de l’appel à manifestation d’intérêt sur les pratiques émergentes en design (research contract)
Bureau du design – Ville de Montréal with le groupe design et société and the CREAT Chair
Role: Co-researcher (Principal researcher: Philippe Gauthier, Université de Montréal).
Value: $14,050.
Duration: 2024
Recommandations algorithmiques et découvrabilité des contenus francophones sur les plateformes musicales.
MCCQ+MCF – Appel de projets pour la découvrabilité des contenus culturels francophones
Role: Co-researcher (Principal researcher: Romuald Jamet, INRS).
Value: $198,000.
Duration: 2023.